A brown sea star against a pale blue watery background

2022 CMSI Symposium Photo Contest

Entry #1

Shallow water with squares of netting draped across it, part of an oyster aquaculture lease.
Oyster aquaculture lease in at Hamlet in Tomales Bay (December 2, 2021). In the upper left-hand corner, you can see a temperature sensor!

Entry #2

A mottled red and white fish with large eyes in a tidepool
Tide pool fish photographed on the Sonoma Coast in December 2022.

Entry #3

A close-cropped shot of a humpback whale's blowhole, seen from above, with swirls of water around it.
Humpback Whale, Iceland, August 2020

Entry #4

An orange and white nudibranch with iridescent white markings crawling on a blade of seagrass
A Hermissenda nudibranch in the seagrass in Bodega Harbor at sunrise

Entry #5

A hand holding a blue and white shell against a blurred background of waves rolling in on a sandy beach
Horseshoe Cove, August 2021

Entry #6

A blue-green anemone

Entry #7

A person in a yellow jacket and a mask, sitting in the front of a boat surrounded by fog on all sides
August 4 2020, 6:20am

Entry #8

Oyster beds stretching off into the water, bathed in the pink light of sunset
Grand Isle Oyster hatchery in Louisiana during sunset

Entry #9

Orange sea stars branching in multiple directions
Basket star from Seattle Aquarium, 2018

Entry #10

An iridescent white nudibranch shown close up
This adorable otherworldly nudibranch came into our seawater tank at the Kewalo Marine Lab in Hawaii!

Entry #11

A brown wooly looking caterpillar perched on green leaves
It is the season of the wooly bears! A photo nod in appreciation of their traverse across the BML road.