Dr. Cadet Hand

Dr. Cadet Hand was professor of zoology, emeritus (University of California, Berkeley), and former director of the Bodega Marine Laboratory (1961-1985).
In 1996, BML librarian Eleanor Uhlinger and a large group of grateful associates of Dr. Hand dedicated the new library space in his honor. He and his wife Winifred (Wini) made and have been the inspiration for many gifts to our library.
Getting to the Cadet Hand Library
Visitors are welcome in the Cadet Hand Library, by arrangement with library staff at chlbml@ucdavis.edu, or 707-875-2015. A map of the Bodega Bay region provides written directions from points East (UC Davis) and South (UC Berkeley and San Francisco).
The library is staffed less than full time, and with an irregular schedule, but every effort is made to accommodate researchers’ needs.
Bodega Marine Laboratory researchers and visiting researchers in residence who have had our library orientation have 24/7 access to the library space, and full time online access to the academic librarian.
First time visiting researchers and members of the public are welcome by appointment through email chlbml@ucdavis.edu, or telephone voice mail, 707-875-2015.
Visitors are welcome by prearranged appointment, for limited library services, during regular business hours only. Appointments are arranged by e-mail or telephone 707-875-2015. All visitors to BML sign in at the main office, and visitors to the Cadet Hand Library are asked to register in the library as well.
NOTE: Currently, visitors and all other library users are respectfully encouraged to remain masked in our library, out of consideration of those who are particularly vulnerable at this time.
The Cadet Hand Library houses a specialized collection of materials supporting research and instruction primarily in marine and terrestrial ecology, coastal oceanography, ecotoxicology, biochemistry, invertebrate and fish physiology, and environmental/ecosystem biology. Books, dissertations, older scientific journals in print, BML research publications, student reports, and archival material are listed in the library's catalogs.
Checking out Items
Borrowing from the Cadet Hand Library is restricted to Bodega Marine Laboratory faculty, staff, students, visiting researchers and docents who have been briefed about circulation procedures by library staff.
For information about the Cadet Hand Library's gift policy, please contact a library staff member, at chlbml@ucdavis.edu or 707-875-2015. To make a gift online click here.
Document Delivery Services (DDS) and Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
BML personnel needing materials unavailable in the Cadet Hand Library are eligible for document delivery and interlibrary loan services. More information about this process is available from the library staff at chlbml@ucdavis.edu.
Professional Affiliations
Professional affiliations of the Cadet Hand Library and/or library staff include the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), its eastern Pacific regional group Cyamus, and the Special Libraries Association.