The anadromous fish research facilities at The Bodega Marine Laboratory consist of two buildings and include a hatchery system, offices, a separate animal food preparation building, and specialized laboratories for conducting fish health diagnostics and research. There are 4-foot, 6-foot, and 12-foot circular tanks; the largest tanks are sealed fiberglass, 12 feet across and 6 feet deep (shown at right). Two of the large tanks offer tempered glass viewing windows. High-quality freshwater or saltwater (or mixed salinity water) can be delivered to the systems at controlled temperatures, using either single pass or recirculating flows. Life support systems may be monitored with computerized alarms for flow, temperature, or salinity and can be observed in real-time (data also recorded for historical purposes) using programmable logic controllers and custom software. In addition to onsite visual checks, system specifications are redundantly alarmed and are monitored and adjusted remotely by support staff.
Anadromous Fish Facilities - This facility is approved by USFWS, NOAA Fisheries, and CDFG for work with endangered species and includes state-of-the-art computer-monitored salt and freshwater flow-through systems. These facilities can accommodate small marine mammal research - Suitability to be determined pending review of request. Please contact BML.
Pathogen Laboratory - The pathogen facility, which safely treats seawater effluent before discharge, is the only laboratory in California that allows work with new and emerging marine diseases.
These facilities are available for new research. For more information please contact BML.