See Planning fieldwork at BML/BMR for Visiting Researchers

Anadromous Fish Research Facilities
The Bodega Marine Laboratory anadromous fish research facilities consist of two buildings, a hatchery system, offices, an animal food preparation building, and specialized laboratories for conducting fish health diagnostics and research.

Climate Change Research Facility
Two large climate change laboratories enable researchers to simultaneously control multiple environmental variables.

Fluorescence Imaging Facility
Scanning laser confocal microscope and fluorescence video imaging system.

Non-Indigenous/Invasive Species and Pathogen Facility
The Bodega Marine Laboratory NSF supported non-indigenous/pathogen facility and effluent treatment system supports non-indigenous and invasive species research.

Shellfish Hatchery Services
Culturing and hatchery facility with year-round brood stock conditioning, feeding, spawning, and rearing services.
For more information about these facilities, please contact