Artistic Visions of Coastal Renewal

A foggy view of Horseshoe Cove

Event Date

2099 Westshore Road Bodega Bay, CA 94923

Join us for Artistic Visions of Coastal Renewal, a showcase and celebration at the Bodega Marine Laboratory on April 5 from 12:30-3pm! Three Bilinski Fellowship at BML recipients and their collaborators will showcase their cross-disciplinary projects:

  • Exaptive Potential, an eco-trash fashion show by n-girls collective;
  • …all dripping in tangles green…, a dance performance inspired by kelp life history and kelp forest regrowth by Linda Bair Dance Company;
  • And This Mite-y Beetle Buries the Dead to Start a Family, a video produced by KQED's Deep Look on the life of a burying beetle.

The project presentations will be followed by a reception with light refreshments.

Learn more and reserve your free ticket here:
