Alyssa Griffin Receives NSF Chemical Oceanography Program Grant
Congratulations to Dr. Alyssa Griffin for recently receiving a grant from the NSF Chemical Oceanography program: Assessing the role of seagrass biogeochemistry and sedimentary alkalinity production in coastal carbon cycling and marine carbon dioxide removal strategies.
Their work will quantify sediment total alkalinity (TA) fluxes and investigate the biogeochemical processes controlling them across two contrasting seagrass ecosystems using a multi-analyte approach under both in situ and laboratory experimental settings.
Their work will vastly improve understanding of alkalinity and carbon dynamics within these valuable ecosystems. Experiments will also be conducted to understand the influence of proposed ocean alkalinity enhancement strategies (i.e., enhanced silicate weathering) on sedimentary alkalinity production in seagrasses.
This project will offer training in numerous interdisciplinary oceanographic approaches and a group mentoring network for graduate and undergraduate students as well as paid research opportunities (critical points of entry for minoritized students) for community college students through the Santa Rosa Junior College-Bodega Marine Laboratory Internship Program.