
Student discovers 11 new ribbon worm species in Bodega Bay

Maddie Frey was still in the early days of her fellowship at the UC Davis Bodega Marine Reserve when she grabbed a bucket and trowel and headed out to the shoreline behind the university’s marine lab near Bodega Head.

Using Wearable Devices for Diagnostics, Prevention and Therapeutics

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Hyoyoung Jeong envisions a future of skin-close wearables that capture a broader picture of health. Last year, he initiated a project with the Bodega Marine Laboratory.

Zeke Spooner Receives the 2024 Salisbury Award

The Coastal and Marine Science Institute is pleased to announce the 2024 recipient of the Dennis Salisbury & Patricia K. Salisbury Graduate Award: Zeke Spooner, a PhD student advised by Dr. Sascha Nicklisch and Dr. Christina Pasparakis.

Liyu Mekonnen Receives the 2024 Dr. Susan Lynn Williams Memorial Graduate Award

The Coastal and Marine Science Institute is pleased to announce the 2024 recipient of the Dr. Susan Lynn Williams Memorial Graduate Award: Liyu Mekonnen, a PhD student advised by Dr. Alyssa Griffin. Liyu will address carbon storage in the seagrass meadows of Tomales Bay, specifically quantifying seagrass meadows’ contributions to carbon sequestration through alkalinity production. 

Announcing the Recipients of the UC Davis Bilinski Fellowship at Bodega Marine Laboratory for 2024-25

The Coastal and Marine Science Institute is pleased to announce the ten recipients of the UC Davis Bilinski fellowship at Bodega Marine Laboratory for 2024-2025. Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski’s life goal was to be “independent and challenged intellectually.” They strongly valued self-sufficiency, a sense of ambition, and above all, responsibility.

2024 Commencement

We celebrate all of you and the enthusiasm, passion, and dedication to marine science that has brought you here, and will lead you to revolutionize scientific understanding of our field, communicate, connect, and engage with communities, and become educators, researchers, and world-changers.