All Stories

Making Space for White Abalone
White abalone have influenced cultural traditions, inspired regional cuisine, and moved generations of ocean lovers, but when overfishing pushed white abalone to the bring of extinction, humans and white abalone had to develop an entirely new relationship with each other.

BML Summer Students Share Their Science Through Short Films
Undergraduate students in Coastal Marine Research (BIS 124) received training in all aspects of the research process and then put their new skills to work during independent research projects conducted in teams of two.

How Can Seagrasses Help Mitigate Climate Change?
On a triple-digit summer day in Davis, community members found shade and science within the walls of G Street WunderBar at the latest Davis Science Café.

The Meaning of a Webcam
To provide better public access, BMR participated in a Crowdfund UC Davis project to raise funds for a new webcam in Horseshoe Cove.

Learning and Leading
Karolina Zabinski, the Lead Mentor for the Marine and Coastal Science (MCS) Major during the 2023-24 academic year, has done a lot with her time at UC Davis, but mentorship was an entirely new adventure.

What Rockfish Can Tell Us About Pollution
The California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program (CCFRP) is a partnership that brings together marine researchers, management agencies, and local fishers.