Our Coasts and Oceans Blog Posts

The Meaning of a Webcam

The UC Davis Bodega Marine Reserve (BMR) has a webcam in Horseshoe Cove to capture images of marine life. However, a 2023 survey analyzing users’ experiences with the webcam revealed complications with the camera:

"A constantly clear picture would be nice. Too often the picture is fragmented or just blacked out."

"Sometimes [I] can’t see anything, [and] other times the picture is broken up."

"The cam resolution is low and it does not refresh often."

"The [camera] image is not consistently clear or usable.”

In the same survey, 160 out of 187 respondents shared that they extensively used the webcam for observing oceanic and weather conditions. However, when rating the performance of the camera on a scale of 1 to 10, they gave the old webcam an average of 5.9.

Celebrating Seagrass

In celebration of World Seagrass Day, we're highlighting seagrass-focused research conducted by UC Davis graduate students. Meet some of our dedicated scholars and delve into their research, exploring the significance of seagrasses and the implications for marine environments.

Serina Moheed

Ph.D. Student, Stachowicz Lab and Brown Lab, UC Davis Department of Evolution and Ecology

In the Middle of Everywhere

You can find us in the middle of everywhere! Join UC Davis interns Dawson and Alexa on a journey to the coast, where they meet up with Dr. Ellie Fairbairn and Dr. Suzanne Olyarnik at the Bodega Marine Laboratory and Bodega Marine Reserve. Along the way, they'll see the gorgeous coastline, meet furred, feathered and finned friends, and show you where to grab a tasty meal in Bodega Bay. At the lab, they explore the Reserve's outdoor living laboratory and classroom and learn about the lab's research and education mission and how UC Davis students can get hands-on, immersive research experience at BML.

Bodega Marine Laboratory's Marine Algae Culture


Watch the daily process of algae maintenance, completed by the Aquatic Resources Group (ARG) at Bodega Marine Lab. This algae goes from test tubes, to flasks, to bins, and then to our animals. ARG provides sterile live algae to students, faculty and researchers worldwide all year long.