UC Davis Scientific Diver Certification Course 2025
The UC Davis Scientific Diver Certification Course trains staff and evaluates their readiness to use scuba under the auspices of UC Davis. This is accomplished through lectures, workshops, field exercises, and in-water development and evaluation of breath-hold diving and scuba diving skills. The UC Davis Scientific Diver Certification Course is an intensive program that requires significant preparation prior to attendance.
Course Description
Scuba divers involved in subtidal research and/or training programs through an educational institution, such as UC Davis, are exempted from the Federal OSHA regulations concerning commercial diving if they have passed an approved training program. (Among other requirements). This course meets those requirements and those of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS). UC Davis Research Diving Course will concentrate on diving safety and planning. There will be further development of scuba skills, diving related physics, physiology, dive planning, search and recovery, accident management and diver rescue. Certifications for NAUI Scuba Rescue Diver, DAN First Aid for Professional Divers, and AAUS Scientific Diver will be earned.
This course trains divers in the knowledge and skills needed to manage risks and effectively handle limited in-water problems and diving emergencies. Included are: Diving 1st Aid, O2 for diving emergencies, AED’s, assists, transports, surface rescues and rescues from depth involving both boat and shore based skin and scuba divers.
Along with more development of theory and techniques related to diving, this course will provide lectures and practical application of advanced diving techniques and how to use these diving skills in a subtidal research project will be discussed and practiced.
UC Davis Scientific Diver Certification Course 2025
The UC Davis Research Diver Training Course is designed for Researchers, Staff, and Students to meet training standards for the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS).
Course Dates: May 17 – 31, 2025
Course Schedule:
Session 1: at Bodega Marine Laboratory for pool, classroom, and ocean training
May 17 – 23 (at BML for pool, classroom, and ocean training)
Session 2: Ocean Checkout Dives, Mendocino CA
May 26 to 31 (at the Albion Research Station in Mendocino)
Additional training opportunities:
Divers that complete the AAUS Scientific Diver Certification are eligible to enroll in UCD’s Advanced Scientific Diver Training Opportunities (space is limited):
- Scientific Diving Leadership: Sonoma Coast (August 2025, dates TBD)
- Altitude Diving Procedures: Lake Tahoe (September 2025, dates TBD)
- Diver Rescue, Emergency Care, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Underwater Photography, Biological Surveying Techniques, and other specialties may be scheduled throughout the year upon interest or request. Contact the dive staff if you have any questions or would like further information.
*All course prerequisite required paperwork is due on or before Thursday, April 17
- Basic scuba certification
- 12 logged openwater dives ( *4 cold water dives)
- Complete the UCD WebDiver application
- All required equipment (see list below)
- Regulator and BC serviced within 12 months
- "Scientific Diver" medical clearance
- DAN (or other) Diving Insurance covering hyperbaric treatment
- Pass pool and ocean swim/scuba skills tests.
Required Equipment
- Regulator with alternate or redundant air source. (Divers must show proof of regulator service or purchase in the previous 12 months)
- Gauges (depth, time keeping, compass, cylinder pressure)
- BCD with auto inflator compatible with the regulator
- Full exposure suit (7mm with gloves, hood, and booties)
- Small U/W slate
- Mask/snorkel
- Fins
- Knife or other cutting device
- Ocean weight belt (integrated weights ok, but also need weight belt)
- Underwater Flashlight (backup recommended)
‘Course is limited to 12 students maximum. The 2025 Scientific Diving course is filling up quickly. Please email diving@ucdavis.edu to be added to the waitlist.
Complete the UCD WebDiver application
2025 Prospective Student Letter
Course Cost
Course fee is: $1,000.00 UC (*+36% NUD for non-UC Clients) and includes instructor-supplied texts, materials & certifications. (Does not include housing and meals).
*All training rates are subject to a Non-University Differential (NUD) assessment for non-University of California clients.