Finding Hope ‘At Every Depth’
New Book Chronicles Our Changing Oceans and How Humans Are Responding
In the prologue for their book At Every Depth: Our Growing Knowledge of the Changing Oceans, UC Davis scientist Tessa Hill and writer Eric Simons open with an astute observation about humanity’s relationship with the ocean.
“Even though one-third of the people on the planet live within sixty miles of a coast, the ocean appears as a featureless expanse for most of us; it is an open blue palette separating the places where life happens,” the authors write. “In reality, it is a mosaic as breathtakingly nuanced as the fields and cities and hills and valleys we know on land.”
Read more on lettersandscience.ucdavis.edu

Check Out "At Every Depth"
"The world’s oceans are changing at a drastic pace. Beneath the waves and along the coasts, climate change and environmental degradation have spurred the most radical transformations in human history. In response, the people who know the ocean most intimately are taking action for the sake of our shared future."
Book description excerpt from Columbia University Press