Announcing the new Director of Bodega Marine Laboratory

The Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. John Largier, a professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy, as the new Director of the Bodega Marine Laboratory, effective April 1, 2022.
John joined UC Davis in 2004 as a Professor of Oceanography in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy. As one of the world’s leading coastal oceanographers, John works on a variety of issues at the land-sea interface, with an emphasis on an integrated understanding of the environmental system. His interest in how moving water connects ecosystems and people in the coastal ocean has led him to collaborate with colleagues throughout the world, comparing California with other regions characterized by coastal upwelling and seasonal rainfall.
As Director, Largier will be responsible for providing academic and administrative leadership at Bodega Marine Laboratory. He will take the lead in coordinating research and education at the laboratory, promoting effective outreach programs, and working with faculty at BML and the Davis campus to strengthen and diversify our internal and external partnerships in the marine sciences. He also will work with non-governmental organizations, federal, state, and regional agencies, and a variety of public and private stakeholders to continue to develop cross-disciplinary approaches to research in the marine sciences.
BML faculty member Eric Sanford commented, “With 18 years of experience at Bodega Marine Laboratory, Professor Largier is deeply familiar with the special opportunities that BML presents as a unique asset to UC Davis and the state of California. John has a long history of working effectively on teams with a diversity of researchers, students, agencies, and stakeholders at the state, federal, and international levels. We are thrilled to see John take the helm of BML and look forward to working with him during this next exciting chapter for the marine science community at UC Davis!”
Please join us in congratulating John on his appointment and welcoming him into his new role!

Please also join us in extending our deepest gratitude and warm wishes to Dr. Gary Cherr, who retired as Director of the Bodega Marine Laboratory effective March 31, 2022.
Since 2009, Gary has tirelessly served as the Director of the Bodega Marine Laboratory and as an Associate Director of the Coastal & Marine Sciences Institute. Gary is a longtime Aggie, enrolling at UC Davis for graduate studies in Zoology in the 1980s and becoming a faculty member in the Department of Environmental Toxicology in 1999.
CMSI Director Rick Grosberg reflected, “Gary’s generosity and his sure-handed and inclusive leadership through over a decade of unprecedented challenges to our oceans have strengthened Bodega Marine Lab, its partnership with the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute, and the diverse communities of stakeholders and citizens that depend on sustainable coastal systems.”
Gary's commitment to our mission, values, and vision has greatly enhanced the lives, careers, and trajectories of so many during his time here and we are grateful for his many contributions to Bodega Marine Laboratory's legacy of discovery, education, and service.